Madhukar Planet: January 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Disappointing Mysore trip (Dec09)

I had been to Mysore this year end (Dec 09). I have been a regular visitor of Mysore every year end with family. Its a pleasure to drive on the 4 track highway from Bangalore to Mysore & vice versa.

Although the journey was pleasurable, this time I was utterly disappointed with the heavy crowd that had gathered already in Mysore. Looking at the Zoo, there was not even an ounce of space to keep your foot step near it... due to such heavy crowd gathering, most of which consisted of school kids in hoards coming in Vans/buses.

Thought of visiting the KRS dam, but the traffic jam was so dis-heartening that after traveling 10 kms with 4 kms remaining, I had to return back to Mysore from KRS due to heavy traffic situation.

Heavy crowd & traffic has really brought down the joy of spending time in Mysore city. It discouraged me from visiting any more nearby places in Mysore too like Nanjangud & Balmuri falls.
Visit to Chamundi hills was my only bet but there too I had to resort to pray only outside the temple again due to heavy crowd in Chamundi temple predominantly consisting of school kids.
The Dasara Exhibition, Planet X & Food street visits were the only saving grace of my trip including the joyful time that I spent there at home with my cousins & family.

On the whole it was a disappointiong trip to Mysore compared to my last few visits to this Heritage capital of Karnataka.
Check out some of the pics of my trip.