Madhukar Planet: My friend's bad experince at Nik Nish Bangalore..

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My friend's bad experince at Nik Nish Bangalore..

Dear Friend,

My friend had a very bad experience shopping at Nik Nish which I would like to share it with you. Hear it from his own words:

"It is my personal experience and is just not a forward! Please do not shop at "Nik Nish", Forum mall,Bangalore. The place has some glittery items which are just good to look at. Attempt to touch or hold them, u might have to pay for it!! Am not kidding.. Pls read on!

I had been to "Nik Nish" and was looking at their glass articles. When I happened to check one of the items, part of it stayed in my hand and the rest fell on one another item which was priced higher. Needless to say it was a defective piece. The management there did not even bother listening to us and I had to pay for both the items. The guy in charge said " I understand that it is not your fault, but you will have to pay", "this is my job, I don't care right or wrong".

I could see couple more cases like this while I was there. The sales guy who stood next to me while all this happened did not speak anything either. I think since the articles there are priced too high, they play this cheap trick to get people pay for those which were already damaged. They made me pay 50% of the amount and put some other name on the bill! Moreover, the articles there are priced at double the price than the other places.

So, please avoid shopping at "Nik Nish". There are many more better alternatives. Happy shopping!"

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