Madhukar Planet: all about blogs! -by Neha

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

all about blogs! -by Neha

hey, guys, it's Neha, and today I'm going to be talking about blogs! 

a blog is a discussion or informational website published on the world wide web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style, text entries (posts). posts  are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the lastest  blog appears first, like this: 

blogs were invented in 1994 created by Justin Hall on links. net 

blogs are one of the ways that you can earn money online during this lockdown, and I actually enjoy writing blogs a lot! because I feel like I can put all of my thoughts and creativity into it and how I'm feeling about the particular topic, BUT however i do get stuck sometimes, just like any other writer, you heard me, I'm going to be a writer! i have a book coming out! i cant tell you guys when its coming of course, (well considering i don't know myself) but we're getting off topic here, I'm pretty sure you guys don't wanna hear about my book! you guys are here to understand about blogs and to know what they are, 

you guys can become a blogger too! but that blog is coming soon which is the continuation of this blog! in the next blog I'm gonna explain how you guys can become bloggers too! so stay tuned for that blog! 

justin hall created the first blog at which contained "essentially a review of HTML examples he came across from various online links," according to HubSpot. the term "BLOG" had not been coined, He preferred to it as his personal page 

there are so many types of blogs, some people even write personal stuff! i started writing blogs about 2 years ago and you guys are gonna have to tell me in the comments if you guys want my personal experience with blogs let me know and i'll try to do it! 

here are some types of blogs: 

  • fashion blogs: these types of blogs are the most popular types of blogs on the internet, its a big industry with a huge global audience, fashion bloggers get invited to major events, receive special perks and merchandise and even business deals with huge fashion brands! These types of blogs are good for creative people with a keen eye for style and fashion. You can start a fashion blog and start making money online by following our guide

  • food blogs: the Food blogs are another popular blog type. It attracts a lot of readers who are interested in recipes, ingredients, healthy eating, fine dining, and other food related stories. Many food bloggers just start with something as simple as their local restaurant reviews. However, as their blog grows so does their interests and target audience. They start covering other food related topics as well. 

  • travel blogs: travel blogs were famous, and they still are but now that everyone has to stay safe inside, i don't think anyone would take a look at these kind of blogs anymore, I'm saying this because of my own Experience. whenever my parents book a trip, i look about the place, A LOT, I'm a researcher, if i like a topic or a person (celebrities) I'll study them, not stalk them, there's a complete difference, so i used to research about the place and i don't look up any places now, although maybe restaurants, because since the lockdown is slowly opening, restaurants might open in 2-3 months, well i researh a restaurant as well, just to see how it looks and stuff and of course i don't do this if i know the place.

  • music blogs: Music blogs has a wide audience who search for critiques on the best and trending music. Music lovers enjoy songs from different languages, cultures and norms.

  • lifestyle blogs: Lifestyle blogs are the most popular type of blogs you can find online. They have a variety of readers, interested in topics ranging from culture, arts, local news, and politics. This gives the blogger a wide range of topics to cover, making it easier to plan their content strategy, Lifestyle bloggers get opportunities to be an influencer, write for other publications, become a speaker, and partner with businesses who are working to make a difference in the society 

  • parenting blogs: Parenting blogs have a huge, passionate, and highly engaged audience. New parents worry a lot and are always willing to improve their parenting skills, Mom blogs and dad blogs have different styles of writing. These blogs may involve activities with kids, guidance on food, techniques for early home education and more

  • business blogs:Business blogs are the professional blogs related to the corporate agencies, industries and others. They offer a casual way to communicate with customers and educate them about a businesses product or service, OptinMonster’s conversion rate optimization blog is a great example of a business blog. It educates users about converting website visitors into customers using the best conversion optimization software in the world.

  • persnoal blogs: Personal blogs belong to individual writers who share their experiences, adventures, and daily life with their audience. The purpose of personal blogging can be anything like making a difference through positive stories or influencing readers with own views. Personal bloggers also include photographers who share photos online to get more work, vloggers who create videos on their daily life routine, chef/cook who share recipes on the blog, and more.

  • movie blogs:  Movie blogs share news and reviews of new movies and the film industry in general. They have a large audience on the internet. Bloggers are invited to watch premium shows before the public release of movies, so they can write reviews and generate buzz about an upcoming movie.

  • news blogs: news blogs cover local news and are a great way for journalism students to build up their resume and sharpen their skills. they can cover a wide range of topics or limit to a particular news sections, news blogs are not just about sharing news, they also include opinion pieces to share blogger's own perspective of the news, the news blogs are updated more frequently to cover latest happenings, news can be about anything like climate changes, scientific innovations, technology, politics, religion and more, big media outlets have several bloggers to work on each of these sub-types in news blogging 

  • fitness blogging:   Fitness blogs has been a hot trend since they cover important topics like health and general fitness. People all over the world rely on the internet to seek advice on how to stay fit. It’s a great opportunity for fitness instructors to start a fitness blog and get clients online.These types of bloggers/instructors write about diets, diet plans, workouts, supplements, and more. Fitness bloggers can also create video content to explain different exercises to their audience. They can monetize their website and videos using Google AdSense and affiliate marketing.

  • DIY blogs:   DIY blogs are very interesting and have a huge audience. It has multiple sub-types like arts and crafts, construction, wood-work, metal-work and more,These interesting DIY activities would encourage visitors to try new stuff and share it with the trainer/blogger. DIY blogs may involve a lot of communication which is great for blogging.

  • sports blogs:  Sports blogs are another interesting type of blogs online. Every country in the world has different sports and every sport has its own stars. Sports blogging may also include bloggers who are writing paid content for teams, athletes, and other organizations,,The other format in sports blogging is to write about latest events all over the world. Furthermore, bloggers share live status of multiple sports on their Twitter accounts automatically linked to the blogs.

  • pet blogs:  Pet blogs have a great readership online that includes pet owners, animal lovers, animal shelters, and people looking for pets. Pet bloggers share tips on keeping pets healthy, pet grooming, pet food, and training. Animal foster homes also write about their efforts to protect and save animals. Pet bloggers can partner up with businesses selling pet care products to generate revenue

  • gaming blogs:    Gaming blogs cater to a large community of gamers looking for articles about latest games, gaming hardware, events, game cheats, and more. This community has grown significantly in the recent years.  Most gaming blogs belong to gamers, reviewers, and official communities of big game developing agencies. They have international events for gamers and reward plans for the winners. It’s a popular blog type and growing everyday.

  • tech blogs: and the last but definitely not the least are tech blogs, these are the type of blogs where you review Technology and maybe even where to find the best prices and the best brands and much much more, this is also the kind of blog that my dad creates, so if you're interested check out his blog as well! 

that's it for this blog!, i hope you guys enjoyed it and also comment down below some other blogs that you want me to do!, ciao1 

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