Madhukar Planet: What is Law attraction -By Neha

Thursday, May 5, 2022

What is Law attraction -By Neha

law of attraction

what is the law of attraction? 

The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.

While the Law of Attraction has generated attention in recent years due to books like "The Secret," it lacks scientific evidence for its claims and is generally viewed as a pseudoscience.

the laws of attraction: 

Like attracts like: This law suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. It means that people tend to attract people who are similar to them—but it also suggests that people's thoughts tend to attract similar results. Negative thinking is believed to attract negative experiences, while positive thinking is believed to produce desirable experiences.

Nature abhors a vacuum: This law of attraction suggests that removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take their place. It is based on the notion that it is impossible to have a completely empty space in your mind and in your life. Since something will always fill this space, it is important to fill that space with positivity, proponents of this philosophy say.

The present is always perfect: This law focuses on the idea that there are always things you can do to improve the present moment. While it might always seem like the present is somehow flawed, this law proposes that, rather than feeling dread or unhappiness, you should focus your energy on finding ways to make the present moment the best that it can be.

using the law of attraction: 
Be grateful
Visualize your goals
Look for the positives in a situation
Learn how to identify negative thinking
Use positive affirmations
Reframe negative events in a more positive way

tips for practicing the law of attraction: 
Journaling: Writing down your thoughts can help you better learn to recognize your habitual thought patterns to see whether you tend toward optimism or pessimism and learn more about changing negative patterns of thought.

Make a mood board: Create a visual reminder that helps you maintain a positive mindset, stay motivated, and focus on your goals.

Practice acceptance: Instead of focusing on what is wrong with the present or what needs to be changed, work on accepting things as they are. This doesn't mean that you won't continue to work toward a better future, it just means that you won't get bogged down by wishing for things to be different right now.

Practice positive self-talk: If you struggle with being overly self-critical, set a goal to engage in positive self-talk each day. Over time, this may come much more easily and you may find that it is harder to maintain a negative mindset.

the history of law of attraction: 
While the law of attraction has received quite a bit of attention in recent years, the concept is not exactly new. These ideas have philosophical roots that date back to the early 19th-century approach known as "New Thought." There was a resurgence of interest in the idea during the 20th century, particularly with the 2006 release of the film "The Secret," which was then later developed into the best-selling book of the same title and its 2010 sequel "The Power."

some books on the law of attraction: 
The Secret-Rhonda Byrne
The Law Of Attraction- Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
Law Of Attraction- Michael Losier
Ask And It Is Taken-Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
Think And Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill

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