hey guys. it's me Neha and today I'm gonna be sharing some iPhone tricks for you guys. I got an iPhone SE (the 2020 version) 6 months ago and over time I have learned some tricks on how to use the iPhone smartly. so without further ado let's get on with the tips!
1: the home screen selection trick: I know how annoying it is when you have very long home screen pages and want to scroll all the way to the end of the page. so this is a trick for that.. so you have to press lightly the three little dots at the end of the screen and scroll to the end and there you have it... That is how you scroll to the end of the screen without having to "actually scroll to the end of the screen"
2: the second trick is that when you take a photo and you've closed your eyes just the second after the picture has been taken. Instead of taking another picture, you can actually adjust the picture!... But this is only possible if the picture is LIVE
all you have to do is press the edit button and then click the live option and choose which picture you want and then click on "make key photo" and then press "DONE" and that's how you adjust the live picture!3: doesn't it suck when you listen to some song on Instagram and you like it... But don't know what its called... this is the hck for you! all you have to do is go to settings, and then go to control center and then click + on the "music recognition" and then this icon should pop up on your control centre!
and the next time you like a song and don't know its name. all you have to do is click this button while the music is playing and you should get a notification about the name of the song and you click it and then there you go!
4: do you wanna record a voice while screen recording?.. all you have do is.. go to your control centre and press and hold the screen record button and a logo pops up saying " microphone off" all you have to do is click it and it should say " microphone on"
and BOOM there ya have it! recording voice while screen recording!all right guys that's it for this blog. I'll see you guys in my next one ciao!
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