Madhukar Planet: The backstory. Episode 8 season 1 New York City girl BY NEHA

Monday, April 19, 2021

The backstory. Episode 8 season 1 New York City girl BY NEHA

 Hey guys it’s me Neha and i know I haven’t been super active on my big series lately and the reason for that is because I just wanted to give you guys a little break and also because I wanted to write something else because way important things were happening in the world and I also wanted to tell you guys about that.. anyway I’m back and I’m better than ever (even though there’s nothing wrong with me😂) ok so this is the 8th episode I believe of my new blog series “New York city girl”

Episode 8 season 1  

The backstory 

... from the pov of liv: then when I suddenly ask my grandma all the questions. So nana tell me, you had this doll since you were a little girl. And has anything like this ever happened to you? And then she tells me “I hate to say this but yes. It did happen once in 1945. What nana what didn’t you tell me about this? I ask in shock to what she had just said. She says well what happened was that my grandparents gave it to my mother .. when they boarded the titanic. Just before 2 days when they died. And my mother was fortunately a survivor and I knew that nana’s grandparents were survivors of titanic. I’ve always loved that movie and the ship and this my great grandparents were on the ship when they died. And I said nana I knew that. Well not the fact that your mom gave it to you. But I did know that my grandparents were the survivors of titanic and nana says anyway just after a few days when she gave me the doll.. my mother died and i was very sad but I always wondered the cause of her death. The reports say that it was a mild heart attack but she died peacefully in her sleep. But just after she died.... to be continued 

So that’s it for this blog. I hope you guys liked it and I’ll see you guys in my next one. Ciao! 

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