hey guys it's me Neha and today I'm gonna be releasing the 4th episode of my new blog series!
so where we left off is when Miranda and liv were talking about the strange things that kept happening last night.
liv says "well..... a doll got delivered today and it's my grandma's old doll.. she says she loved it because it was her mom's and my grandma's mom died when she was just a baby and she said she wanted to give it to me!" and Miranda said "aww that's sweet" and liv said " thanks" and Miranda says "but the real question is... how old is the doll?" and liv says " it was made in 1912" when my great grandmother was just 10.. that's why that doll was so dear to her" well I don't know the story behind that doll but I do know that that doll was my great grandmother's doll.... well what you said doesn't make sense.. ever since the doll arrived strange things have started to happen" and Miranda says "when did the doll arrive?" and liv says "it arrived last night just a little while before my parents left.. and she gets an idea "miranda why don't I call my grandma and ask her the story about the doll story! and Miranda says " that's a good idea .. why don't you just invite her over to your home?" and liv says " that's a good idea.. I'll talk to my grandma and ask her if she can get here... and miranda and liv both say bye to each other...
and then liv calls her grandma and liv says "hey grandma how are you?" and ally (her grandma ) says "hello dear.. I'm fine.” And liv says “grandma I need to ask you something” and her ally says “sure dear what is it?” And liv says “would you come over for dinner today?” And ally says “of course dear”
And a few hours later liv calls Miranda and says “hey I invited my granny over for dinner today..” and Miranda says “oh that’s nice” and liv says “you should come over too!” And Miranda says “sure!”
And a few minutes late liv calls Emma and says “hey Emma I just invited my grandma over!.. remember when I told you About that doll story?” And Emma says “yeah of course!” And liv says “you should come over too.. I’ve already called Miranda” and Emma says “ok sure.. I’ll be there!”
A few hours later....
To be continued..
So I hope you guys liked it and there’s a LOT of exiting things coming and I’m so exited!! And that’s it for this blog! And I’ll see you guys in my next one!
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