Madhukar Planet: The aspirin story! New York City Girl episode 2 season 1

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The aspirin story! New York City Girl episode 2 season 1

 Hey guys it’s me Neha and welcome back to another blog! As you guys know I’m going the series! “New York City Girl” and this is the second episode 

Season 1 Episode 2 

So we left off where liv called Emma and now we’re gonna talk about their conversation... 

liv says “hey Emma, sorry I couldn’t pick your call earlier, I was having breakfast!” And Emma says “it’s ok” and liv says “has your breakfast Liv?” And Emma says “yeah!.. anyway the reason I wanted to call you was remember we had that assignment due?” And Liv said “oh yeah right. I totally forgot about that!” And Emma says “HAHA ok..but what do you even do when you wake up at 3 am?” Liv says “i study. Because well.. I have to pass the time anyway cause. Well let’s be honest you don’t really do anything at 3 am..” and Emma said “you bet!” And liv said “we literally text a lot. But when we’re on the phone we don’t really have much to talk about! And Emma says “I know right!” And they both laughed and Emma said “ok I gotta go now. I’ll talk to you later” and in text forms that is “ttyl”! 

A few minutes later when liv’s walking across the hallway she sees her had and he says “who were you on the phone with?” And liv says “Emma. And dad where’s mom?” Dave says “she’s gone out go get some groceries. She’ll be back pretty soon” and liv says “ok dad” 

A few hours later liv sees her mom and dad all dressed and liv asks them “mom, dad, where are you guys going” and Bella (her mom) says “we’re going out to dinner. Go get dressed it liv we gotta go!” And Dave says “yes go dressed” and liv says “I’m having a bit of a headache. You guys get going. I’ll be fine home alone” and Dave (her dad)says “are you sure” and liv says “yes dad I just have a bit of an headache. You guys can go I’ll be alright!” And Bella  says “ok then. Let’s go Dave” 

Dave and Bella leave:

A few minutes later liv’s head starts to hurt even more and she takes a Asprin  💊 ( if you guys don’t know what Asprin is its a headache tablet!) and she goes to bed 

A few hours later she wakes up and gets out of bed to get some water to take another Asprin 💊 and she gets the water glass when she sees... 

So that’s it for this blog guys I hope you guys enjoyed this blog. I really enjoyed writing it and I’ll see you guys in my next one! Ciao!

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