Madhukar Planet: New beginnings!. New York City girl! Episode 1 Season 1

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

New beginnings!. New York City girl! Episode 1 Season 1

 hey guys it's me Neha and today is the day I'm gonna be releasing my series! so my series comes in the genre of romance, thriller, and horror (ish) I've been super excited about this and I really hope you guys like it! 

New York City Girl 

season1: episode 1 


so it's 2021 and there's a 17-year-old girl named liv (Olivia) in New York City and she's a pretty strange girl. BUT she has a normal life just like every other teenager. she has her friends Emma, Miranda, and Noah, and josh.. her mom Isabelle (Bella), and her dad dave (David). and she also goes to school ... of course!.. BUT the thing was she was kinda strange and pretty different than other people and by that I mean good different but also kinda different from normal people.. she woke up like super early. And by that I don’t mean like 5am I mean 3am. Everyone thought it was very weird and they even got her checked at the doctor’s office but the doctor said that she was completely fine and that she was normal. Exept that she she was a very good person. She helped the homeless and she always kept helping people.. But she was very strange at school. No one could figure her out.. she was a pretty complex person. 

It's a nice Sunday morning and liv wakes up.. super late at 12.. 12am midnight!  cause come on. It’s a Sunday😌(it’s a Sunday when you wake up at 12 noon. Not 12 midnight!) and liv sees her dad and she says “ dad what are you doing up this late?” And Dave says “what are you doing up so early? And liv said “I couldn’t sleep” and Dave said “are you all right?” And liv said “yeah I’m ok” and the father and daughter talked for a little while and liv said “dad.. you need to wake up early tomorrow. Go get some sleep” and Dave said “ ok. Good night. And we should really do something about you’re sleep problem. It’s getting worse!” And liv said “ok. Good night”

A few hours later at 9:00 a.m the happy family eats breakfast liv’s mom makes liv and her dad some pancakes 🥞! Liv didn’t have any siblings. She was an only child. And while they’re having breakfast Liv’s best friend Emma calls and Bella says “ no phones during breakfast Olivia!” And Liv says “but mom Emma’s calling” Bella  says “call her later “ Dave says “listen to your mom sweetie” 

And liv does call her later! 
Liv says.... to be continued
Stay tuned for the 2nd episode for liv and Emma’s conversation!.. 

I really hope you guys enjoyed this week’s blog.. I’m starting new series called “ New York City Girl” 
And also don’t worry if you didn’t get any “horror” in the first episode. It’s still the first episode. Just remember there’s a lot to come! And I’m so exited!! 

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