Madhukar Planet: Mean girls 2 was not as good as mean girls

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mean girls 2 was not as good as mean girls

Hey guys it’s Neha and  I’m back again with another blog and today I’m going to be talking about mean girls 2 so I’m pretty sure most of you guys don’t know about this movie.. well I didn’t know about it too... but one day I was just scrolling through Netflix finding something to watch and I found out about it! And well I got exited and I was curious what it was about (well not really.. well cause everyone knows what mean girls is about!)  but honestly I didn’t like the movie.. i mean I didn’t even watch the entire movie.. and I know that you shouldn’t judge a movie if you haven’t watched the entire thing but to be honest i didn’t really like it.. and I didn’t watch the entire movie.. I did like the first movie it was ok. But the second one isn’t that good.. you know. It’s the same story... atleast about how much I watched  it  I watched half on the story.. and of course you guys must have guessed it by now that I don’t have a favourite character in this movie cause I watched  only the half of it. And also I liked clueless better than the first part of mean girls.. it came out in 2011 and the first part came out in 2004 and then clueless came out in 1995. But it doesn’t feel old at all. That’s it for this blog I’ll see you guys later.. Ciao! 

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